Branches of Wisdom


Clearly, the bible identifies 4 kinds of wisdom (James 3:15-17) which are:
• Earthly wisdom
• Sensual wisdom
• Demonic wisdom
• Divine wisdom

What distinguishes them is seen in their characteristics. The demonic wisdom is characterized by envy, selfishness, lies against the truth and pride (James 3:14). These attributes clearly contradicts what is expected from the children of God. Anywhere this kind of wisdom is demonstrated shows the absence of God’s kind of wisdom.

Divine or heavenly wisdom is pure, full of peace, it’s not self-seeking, it is not full of wickedness, produces good fruits, not partial and have no element of deception ( James 3:17). We must also recognise that this wisdom is from God and Holy Spirit inspired. It is from above and supersedes all other kinds of wisdom. To further appreciate this type of wisdom, let’s see the life of the man named Daniel.

According to the scriptures, Daniel was a captive in Babylon, but he had unusual insight. Light, understanding and wisdom was found in him. The wisdom found in Daniel was likened to the wisdom of the gods (Daniel 5:11). The wisdom found in him could not be described. The astrologers, Chaldeans and soothsayers in Babylon could not match him. Daniel transcended 4 kings namely king Nebuchadnezzar, King Belshazzar, King Darius and king Darius the Persian. He was a reference point as a result of his wisdom. Only divine wisdom could have made it possible and this was operational in him because he had an excellent spirit(Daniel 6:3).

This wisdom distinguished him and made Daniel envious in the sight of the governors and satraps.
Divine wisdom is only available and accessible in God. This wisdom sets one apart from ones peers. Heavenly wisdom takes one to the pinnacle. After Daniel was able to interpret the writing on the wall to King Belshazzar, he was decorated, honoured and made the third ruler of the kingdom (Daniel 5:29). We also see that heavenly wisdom makes us a solution to our world. Daniel explained dreams and interpreted hard writings which none of the soothsayers could do. This is another peculiar characteristic that is found in all the men who ever operated in this kind of wisdom. Joseph, Solomon, Jesus etc, they were all solution providers to their generation.

Friends, what kind of wisdom do you operate with? Is your wisdom all about self-interest or is it people oriented? Does is it glorify God? Perhaps anyone want to operate in the class of Daniel, then it is for such an individual to turn to God through our Lord Jesus Christ and accept him as your saviour. Remember Daniel could get access to divine wisdom because he had the Spirit of God inside of him.

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